O Profetie Sumbra

Multi oameni ce alcatuiesc popoarele Asiei se vor orienta catre religia crestina aproape imediat, iar o multime de triburi salbatice se vor crestina si datorita raspandirii Bibliei, ea generalizandu-se apoi la toate popoarele indiferent de limba, de la Polul Nord si pana la Polul Sud. Veti sti ca acele vremuri sunt aproape atunci cand Anglia isi va pierde puterea financiara, iar Franta va fi asimilata de popoarele din jur. Treptat puterile statale vor disparea, ca in locul acestora sa apara o noua putere cu un singur presedinte, o singura moneda, un singur consiliu de conducere si o singura armata, aeropurtata, folosita doar pentru aparare sau paza interna, soldatii sai avand menirea de a pastra ordinea in acele zone. In acea perioada, Rusia va deveni una dintre cele mai crestine tari de pe suprafata pamantului, Bosforul si Dardanele se vor scufunda, disparand de pe suprafata globului, de asemenea, o multime de insule vor disparea, fiind nimicite de cutremure, scoarta pamantului fiind zdruncinata de o multime de urgii ce se vor abate asupra oamenilor. 

Un comentariu:


    Have you ever wondered if it's possible to hack things the way hackers do it in the movies.😵😵

    Yeah its possible!!!😁😁😁

    Hacking can easily be done by planting a computer virus or spyware(depending on what the hacker intend to do) in the targeted device.🙇

    We at THE HACK GEEKS give you the best hacking service there ever is.👌👌

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    We have got the top hackers in hackerone.com that are always ready to hack for you anytime ,anywhere, any device, organisation, federal agencies, university, college you just think of it.

    Do you want:

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    *To Sniff, Erase or Change a file in a Company, Organisation or in a Federal agency?📖

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    *To hack an Email or any Social Media account?💞

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    All these are what we can do for you.

    We are descrete and won't expose our service to you to anyone.



    We look forward to hacking for you.🙏🙏
